NaBloPoMo Day 7

It's the day before the big presidential election on Tues. I'm interested to see what will happen. I woke up at 6am and  drove 2 hours to and from Bakersfield to attend election training to be a clerk (pollworker) at a location in Ridgecrest. The training went alright and we even got out a little early. I stopped at Sonic and to get cheap gas ($2.30's....but in UT at Costco it was only $2.09!) and drove the 2 hours back home. At 4:30 I had to go help set up but I arrived around 5pm. Stayed a couple hours and then went home and went to bed - I was so tired! I slept 730pm (LAME) to 11pm and then went back to bed and slept until 5:30 because I had to be at my polling place by 6am. Craziness. I dont wake up this early ever! Even for hot air balloons it is hard.


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