
Showing posts from February, 2018

12 Days Left!

I cant believe there are only 12 short days left in this second month of the year and then on to March we...march. Haha. Pie Day, St Patricks Day, some fun road trips including another trip to Arizona I think. Here's what else I've been up to! Quail Trail Hike Valentine dinner date night at Habana Irvine Spectrum Center Fun Santa Ana Airbnb Review Dunkin Donut Breakfast Tewinkle Park Nature Walk The LAB Anti Mall Miramar Park - Redondo Beach Goldfield Mine - AZ Pinterest Party Update! LG Twin Washer  Total Eclipse of the Moon Mesa, AZ Wedding Reception Whew! Is that enough reading for you to do? Hopefully so! The posts are not terribly long but there are quite a few of them. I really packed a lot in to our weekends out of town most of the time and our trip just a couple hours from home was no exception. 

Bit By The Travel Bug

You guys, this year has been such a good time for traveling! Not just to conferences but some other places, new stuff, things we have never done or seen before and  being able to go with Tony and not having to go solo.  Here are some links to what we did last weekend and I'll do another post with the rest of the links when they go live because I have a new post rolling out every day for the next week or so. There's a ton we did in just a Friday and Saturday! Downtown Riverside Owls & Lanterns Tio's Tacos pt 1 Tio's Tacos pt 2 California Scenario Also! FYI! Disneyland prices are going up again! Click here to read all about that and lock in the 2017 price by 2/20!

Crushin' It

I'm feeling pretty pumped and excited about my goals for 2018 and for the month of February in general. My olw (one little word) for the year is to collect moments, not things. (a phrase, I know I know...) I've been posting more things to sell online the past few days and its paying off! We've had some things posted on eBay and clothing wise on those apps like Poshmark and Mercari, Offerup..Facebook Marketplace just to name a few and things have suddenly been selling. I'm so excited! I am taking 2 packages to the post office to mail today. I dont care if some thing are just a few dollars or quite a lot more than that. It just feels good to get stuff gone and patience is paying off. Other items that are not selling I'll bring to a 'naked ladies party' which is basically a clothes swapping party. Bring all clothes you dont wear or dont want anymore and they all get put in a big pile in the middle of the room for people to go through and take what they wan...