It's Officially Official!

I guess somewhat stupidly, I posted details about something super big coming up in my life on Facebook instead of writing a cliffhanger status and directing everyone here to my blog. Oh well! Lesson learned I guess! If you did not read it on Facebook already, Tony accepted a job offer in China Lake, CA and will start work at the naval base located there as a Computer Network Defense Specialist. We found out Tuesday morning that he had passed the security clearance/background check and they need him to start July 18th. Eek! He has a little less than a month left in Utah with me. Time to amp up the packing and get more serious about how we are going to make this happen. I wish so badly the job was moving us, but it's not. We were thinking to move everything that has been packed to a storage unit so that we can move around a bit more easier and continue packing. I have a baby shower to host and a Pinterest party and I'd rather have a downstairs not filled with boxes wh...