
Showing posts from 2022

Birthday Deals 2022

 This was the oddest birthday deal year yet! Keep reading to find out why....

What Happens in Vegas Gets Blogged About

   After spending a wonderful week in Salt Lake City, Utah, I started the drive back to Ridgecrest. To break up the drive and give my leg a break, I stopped at my friend's house in St George for the night. We had dinner and a fun time hanging out.

My One Little Word for 2022

This is it folks. My word to focus on for the year.  Last year I did pretty well with my word and had many different categories for my word (which was Grow). This year...instead of having tons of categories, I'm going to focus on less areas that need to be worked on, thus, simplifying (see what I did there?) so I don't get burned out or feel overwhelmed. But who am I kidding? I already feel overwhelmed. This year of 2022 has not been kind (minus the fact I got to attend CES in PERSON! with good friends..that was awesome), the rest of the days this month so far have been less than pleasant. I hope to get out of this funk soon and on to bigger and better things.   So for my word Simplify , my goal is really just a desire to downsize and de-clutter my belongings. Why? Even though many of them bring me happiness, they also cause me a certain level of stress. And in my life, stress can tend to create drama. Drama with who? Tony mostly. He doesn't say much but I can tell that he ...