
Showing posts from March, 2014

Glover Cleaning Service

I have never had anyone professional come and clean my home before so it was a real treat to have  Glover Cleaning Service  come and clean 2 rooms of my choosing! I picked the upstairs bathroom and the kitchen.  I didnt think either was too terribly dirty but they are my least favorite rooms to clean. Mainly the bathroom is what I avoid cleaning but once Glover came and cleaned, it has been easier for me to keep it up somehow. This is my before picture but sadly I didnt get any close up details...just a general overall view. Yes, my kitchen really is this small!  They cleaned my burners so well I was very impressed with how clean they got them They cleaned and organized the stove area better Sparkly clean microwave again! Fridge shelves were wiped down and there were no spills or smudges on the shelves  Now on to the upstairs bathroom! The tub has been getting harder for me to clean and was looking grungy.  Not ...

Fantastic Weekend Fun!

I had planned to leave work at 5pm on Friday but then my supervisor asked me to work on a couple snow removals for ATT (cell towers) so I stayed until 6/630, I cant remember. I was so antsy to start my weekend! Finally got out of work and met up with Tony. The story of what happened next is here , so you totally have to check it out & read about what I bought that night! Saturday we finished up some things with the purchase I had made Friday evening. Plus I had to work for 3 hours, oh well. Hopefully the days of working Saturday are over soon. Fingers crossed, we'll see. We got a late lunch at Firehouse Subs. I bought some awesomely fast cell phone chargers from a lady a the Facebook yardsale page. It actually works and stays tight in my phone which is hard to find. We went to Savers and Tony found some much needed pants. Finally went home and just laid on the bed and chilled. It was a tiring day! I did watch my 2 year old nephew later that evening which was fun. Sund...

Procrastination Station

Sometimes I procrastinate things. A lot. Sometimes it works out for the better but occasionally it does not. I've been car hunting for a couple months now (feels like longer) and I thought I had found the perfect car in Colorado. I'd been communicating with the guy quite a bit and one day after work I called him again and he said a lady was interested in the car and was coming up with the money to buy it. I cried and cried. It had been a long day but the car was pretty much perfect (minus electric windows and locks but that's something that can be fixed). I was so disappointed, if only I hadnt procrastinated calling him! Fast forward a few days later and I was at the bank getting a loan but they needed to know the address and name of the person who had the title in their name. I called the guy and got some weird answers so I decided to hold off. It started to feel a little scammish and not as legit as I had thought. Funny how I was so upset because I had procrastinated...