
Showing posts from January, 2014

Goals : Where I'm At

Commitments. Goals. Resolutions. Whatever you want to call them, they are always good to have whether you start them on January 1st or July 1st. I've been thinking a lot about my ' theme ' for the year these past couple weeks and really trying to apply it to my life. My friend Jibby did a really cool thing with her commitments for the year  that I keep thinking about and revisiting in my mind or actually clicking back to her post because I just love how she has picked each month to be a topic to focus on. To me, that really simplifies things and gives a better focus than being overwhelmed with so many new goals all at once.  I am no where near getting all my thoughts out as organized as my friend did, but bouncing back to my theme for the year I can give a little update on how things are going and where I'm at, or not at. I know it is barely one month in to the year but already I can see improvement in certain areas. So I know the post that introduced my th...

Fiat Rental, Christmas, Zoo Lights & More!

Sitting here at my parents house in Idaho writing this post before we head over to my inlaws house and then back to SLC in a few hours. Its been a fun time, celebrating Tony's grandma's birthday yesterday, she turned 85. It was fun to hang out with his family some and then later in the day we went to my sister's house for dinner and to downtown Boise to visit one of Tony's friends who is a traveling EEG specialist and is here for 13 weeks. Fun stuff! Here's some blogging I have done if you want to check it out and read anything. There is a super fun event coming to the South Town Expo Center next Saturday called the Winter Palooza that you should definitely participate in if you are in the area. I'm looking forward to getting a henna tattoo!  I rented a Fiat to go to Las Vegas last week for the Consumer Electronics show. I have never driven this car before so I thought I'd do a little review of how I liked it. The zoo lights were fun to go ...

Fiesty Fiat 2013 Review

I rented this car to take to the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this past Wednesday. It wasnt the car I was told I would get from the rental website but it was what was available when I got to the location to pick up my car. It got great gas mileage so I cant complain too much I guess even though I felt like I was almost driving the ' boot car '.  I started in SLC with a full tank and didnt fill up until I got to St. George. I did drive around Vegas a bit so I left the next day with about half a tank and stopped in St George again to fill it up. I didnt stop again until I got back to SLC. I think the gas mileage did better on this car than it does on my current car.  But maybe it is very close to being the same. I am sad I didnt get to track it that well.  I had no time to take pictures of the car in the daylight as I picked up the car Tuesday a bit after 530pm , left about 7pm to go to Vegas. On Wednesday I left Las Vegas around 845pm and got...

I've Been Busy...Catching Up On Blogging!

I have been crazy busy with the holidays and busy again even though the holidays are over. I'm kind of in a weird blogging mood, I'll go days without opening my laptop and then a night like tonight happens and I post a bunch of things. So here are some links to what's been going on lately or what I am catching up on. Enjoy! I've passed by this many times but it wasnt until Tony and I spent a few days in Page , AZ for a balloon festival, that we actually got to explore and take a tour of Glen Canyon Dam Have you ever been to Hole In The Rock ? I want to explore more next time in this area because we didnt have much time as we went through recently and it the sun was starting to go down My first time ever in Yellowstone National Park happened late last year and it was such an adventure! I cant wait to go again! Of course if you go to Yellowstone, you can go back to Utah by passing by the Grand Tetons . Amazing view and next time I want to go more in the ...