
Showing posts from January, 2020

Office & Craft Room Ideas

**This post is sponsored by Homie ** Last year when I attended the Parade of Homes in Utah, I got to see quite a lot of office and work spaces built in the homes and some craft rooms. I wish I had seen more craft room spaces to be honest. The offices included in the homes I walked through and pictured below were usually one of the first rooms I looked at. Keep reading to see all the cool layouts and designs in these beautiful homes.

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home

This post is sponsored by Homie . I don’t so much like the word “resolutions” and prefer the word “goals” but they seem to be used interchangeably so insert whichever word you would like. We often set goals for ourselves as people or families but do we think about setting goals for our house? The ideas below will bring you a higher value when you decide to sell your home or bring a better feel and improve your current living situation.

One Little Word 2020

I have felt like, in the last few months, that this needed to be my word for some reason in 2020. At first, I wasn't really sure what it meant or how I could apply it to my life, but after talking to Tony, I realized that it means to do things with purpose.  I think that a lot of what I do in my life has purpose but it's also something I don't spend a lot of time pondering when I choose to do certain activities.  I think it's not something that I'm going to be 100% the best at, at least not right away. I have many goals and plans for this year already made, even when it was still 2019. One thing that crosses through my mind is a dear teacher and friend of mine said something that really resonated with me and it was basically along the lines of not wanting to waste anyone's time. I was in a social media marketing class at LDSBC when she said that and it's stuck with me ever since. When I do things (host events usually), I really try to make i...

Why An Email List?

If there is one thing I have learned (and not applied) over the years in attending various blogger conferences and classes, it's that you own an email list. You don't own any of the social media platforms you choose to land on. Your followers there could disappear if it goes down, as I noticed last year when Twitter, Facebook and Instagram all had glitches. It was unsettling and scary and really drove the point home to me that I HAD to start an email list. So why had I not done it in 2019? I thought of so many reasons why I couldn't do an email list.  - I didn't know where to start - I didn't feel like I could maintain it - Couldn't decide if I keep all my categories separate or all in one email - I didn't know the best way to collect email addresses - I didn't know if what I had would be of value to my readers - I didn't want to add one more thing to my plate So you would think that by taking various email classes at blogg...