
Showing posts from December, 2020

Farewell 2020 and Good Riddance

A ton of crappy things happened this year but pales in comparison to those who lost their lives to Covid. I have been lucky (?) enough to not have gotten it yet even with traveling and being out and about. For a long time my sister and I would trade surveys for the year with each other, to fill out on New Years Eve. For a few years we stopped but I decided to start it up again this year and made a link in case you want to copy it and fill it out for yourself. It's not all cutesy because I am not good at that kind of thing really (but would like to be!) so here's the link and leave me a comment if you fill it out. You don't need to share your answers if you don't want to but I did include mine below.  I truly hope 2021 is a better year for you, for your family, friends and everyone in general. I know 2020 stretched us and made us grow in ways we never imagined. Praying for better times to be learning and growing next year! Looking back on 2020 Top 3 favorite things I di

Just Checking In...

  Popping in to say Hello and give some updates! Would love if you are reading this to leave me a comment and let me know what's one fun or interesting thing going on with your life. It's been a bit since I've been over here but I have been blogging over on my craft blog and travel blog . So check that out if you fancy seeing anything going on over there. I've been pretty active posting over on Facebook and Instagram if you feel like you are missing out on anything going on with me. But as for here and now...