Hard Freeze Warnings
How have I not blogged since the beginning of the month and now its the end of the month! Aiai! How are all my blog reader friends doing? I woke up this morning to a very overcast sky and on my way to work it started hailing. I made it inside and when I looked outside an hour or so later, it was snowing. At least it was sunny when I got out of work for the day. There is a hard freeze warning set for tonight, made me glad I haven't planted my garden yet. Or that Tony & I have not gotten more bees (our 3rd set :-/ ) yet. I've been busy clearing out clutter , piles and trying to organize the things I do want to keep, better. Lots of bags to donate. A few things I will try to sell. The rest has been going in the dumpster. It's so refreshing and I wonder why I dont do this more often but it does take time! and I also need to get in the mood to be on a cleaning frenzy. Tony and I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary on the 23rd of April. We were supposed to ...