
Showing posts from April, 2014

Hard Freeze Warnings

How have I not blogged since the beginning of the month and now its the end of the month! Aiai! How are all my blog reader friends doing? I woke up this morning to a very overcast sky and on my way to work it started hailing. I made it inside and when I looked outside an hour or so later, it was snowing. At least it was sunny when I got out of work for the day. There is a hard freeze warning set for tonight, made me glad I haven't planted my garden yet. Or that Tony & I have not gotten more bees (our 3rd set :-/ ) yet. I've been busy clearing out clutter , piles and trying to organize the things I do want to keep, better. Lots of bags to donate. A few things I will try to sell. The rest has been going in the dumpster. It's so refreshing and I wonder why I dont do this more often but it does take time! and I also need to get in the mood to be on a cleaning frenzy. Tony and I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary on the 23rd of April. We were supposed to ...

Review - Merco Box!

Wheee check out this awesome box I am getting to review and share with you guys. It's called a Merco box and it arrived to me full of fun things from Utah! I really love supporting local businesses. With every box purchased, that money goes right back into the community. So good!  Yayay! So much awesomeness packed into one little box     ^^ Here's what I got inside ^^ I was most excited about the soap nuts from Eco Treasures because we can use them while camping and I am interested to see how they perform in the washing machine as well.  The Les Madelines 3 madlines were so so delicious. I want to track that company down and get some more! I also tried the Meals that Transform power bar. It was soft, not crunchy and hard. It had a whole bunch of ingredients in it and I was not sure how I would like it but I ate it at work when I was really hungry and it did great in settling my growling stomach. I hope to use the other coupons an...

Movie Review: Rio 2

I won two screening passes  (Thank you Salt City Weekly!) to see Rio 2 this past Saturday and I was  so  excited because! A) I love winning contests B) Tony and I had seen the first one on our honeymoon C) It's been awhile since we have been able to go to a movie screening D) I LOVE BIRDS!! We almost turned around when we got to the theater because people were holding their green papers and walking back towards their car from the movie theater. I decided to jump out and double check and I am so glad I did because there were still seats left.  People had just been walking out to their cars to put their phones away because they would not be allowed in to the movie with their phone.  The movie opens to the public on Friday the 11th. I dont want to say too much about the movie and besides, I have never reviewed a movie on this blog yet. But I do want to say I really enjoyed this movie - I smiled pretty much the whole time. We saw it in 3D w...

A Driving We Will Go

I got wrapped up in a world of busyness and have neglected updating you guys on anything that has been going on lately! I've been working a lot of overtime lately which is good, and bad, but good for the paycheck & I try to keep that in mind.  My goals have not gone so well in the month of March and I hope to get back on track in April. Besides work, I got to go on a fun roadtrip with Tony to St. George a few weeks ago. A great way to destress, relax and kick off the traveling season. Click here to read about being in St. George, exploring lava tubes and camping in Snow Canyon State Park,  we hiked to some Pioneer Names , we drove through Gunlock State Park and visited the  St George temple . I havent even blogged about going to Zion yet!  I have a couple reviews and giveaways up at Stacie Reviews It . If you live in Utah and love doughnuts , you have a few days left to enter this contest. Did you know Utah has its own subscription box? Che...

Doughnuts! : Beyond Glaze

Doughnuts, donuts, they taste the same either way you say it. But have you ever tried a donut from  Beyond Glaze ? They were at a book signing event I went to a few weeks ago and I have never tried donuts quite like this! Check out this smores doughnut. I cant wait to try this one! How about this fancy cherry one? Here is the story of how Beyond Glaze started. Doesn't seeing how they make the doughnuts and decorate them make you drool?  If you'd like to go to one of their 3 locations in Utah, you can find them in Draper, Sugarhouse and Ogden!

Inspired Guns : Movie Review & Giveaway!

Inspired Guns : Movie Review & Giveaway! It's been awhile since I've watched a new LDS themed movie but I had seen some reviews for this on TV and it looked pretty interesting and funny so I thought it would be cool to check it out. Inspired Guns is filled with action, danger, comedy and intrigue. The story is about a couple of LDS missionaries that get entangled with a case of mistaken identity. One of the Elders has a week left and is tasked to get his companion focused while figuring out who they need to teach from a dream he had been having. They end up teaching a couple Mafioso brothers and the FBI has their sights set on everyone involved.  This film was written & produced by Adam White who wrote the script in 2003. At the time there was no money to be made but ten years went by and Adam created and sold some Internet businesses he was able to save up the money to turn his script into an actual movie.  Inspired Guns was mostly filmed ...