It's hard for me to accept the fact that summer is over. Even here in Ridgecrest, CA the days are getting chillier and the sun is going down sooner than I'd like. That being said, life hasn't slowed down! I've been doing lots of fun things and going a lot of fun places. Well, mainly the same places but doing different things each time I go. Here are the links to what I've been up to lately! Travel Temecula Balloon & Wine Festival - Day 1 Temecula Balloon & Wine Festival - Day 2 Bear Valley Springs - Day 1 Bear Valley Springs - Day 2 Terry Family Reunion in Idaho Terry Family Reunion - Day 2 Terry Family Reunion - Day 3 So You Think You Can Dance & More! Lava Beds National Monument - Day 1 Crafts Tryazon Sculpey Clay Party California Cactus & Succulents Party Pork and Cactus Crockpot Stew Cricut Deals and Promos Utah Halloween Pinterest Party Disney Themed Pinterest Party Patrioti