
Showing posts from 2018

December Blogging

December was crazy, as I'm sure it was for everyone reading this post. Lots of things to do and not as much time spent on the computer blogging or documenting life. Now I have tons of pictures that need to go in to posts and it's time to play catch up! Crafts December Pinterest Party Travel New Wave Hike I'll have some fun posts up in January covering some other things we did in September such as a cool lights display and hot air balloon Christmas dinner and gift exchange. Ward Christmas party decorating, a trip to Utah  for my sister's birthday and to see some family and friends plus - the lights on temple square! Then heading to Idaho to see our families for Christmas and New Year's. It was a lot of traveling and a long time to be gone from CA but it was great fun. Excited to see what adventures 2019 brings!

November Blogging - So Fun!

November...December is coming soon and then it will be 2019. 2018 has been pretty awesome, check out the month of November posts below! Crafts EZ-Twist Paint Stick Project California Christmas Pinterest Party 2.0 Travel Page AZ Balloon Festival day 1 An Afternoon on Lake Powell New Wave Hike

Boo October Boo!

October was such a fun month! I went to Utah for General Conference, watched 3 of my nieces and nephews for a few days and we did all kinds of fun activities, went to a new balloon event in Temecula that involved trick or treating to hot air balloons, went to a clothing swap party, hosted a couple Pinterest parties and caught up on things at home. Life is good. Lifestyle Ocean's Halo - Ramen Noodle Bowl Review Schmidt's Pumpkin Patch Owl City Concert Pumpkin Nights in Salt Lake City Travel TBA Crafts California Fall Themed Pinterest Party California Halloween Pinterest Party Canning That Hamburger!

August & September Updates!

So much has been going on, I don't even know! Let me catch you up though.  Here are some links of what I've been up to! Lifestyle Vidcon, CVX Live & My Favorite YouTuber's Wildflower Festival Alta Ski Resort Travel Emma Woods State Beach Exploring Downtown Ventura Great Reno Balloon Race - Day 1 Great Reno Balloon Race - Day 2 Highway 395 Art  Crafts New Pinterest Party Idea! California August Pinterest Party Wood Scrap Flooring Craft Mixed Media Expo - Day 2 Utah Halloween Pinterest Party

Blogging in July - Check it out!

Hey hey! I'm back with a bunch of updates of what I've been up to in the month of July. It was quite the busy travelling month and I managed to fit in a few crafts too. August is going to be a little more low-key with a few weekend trips but no long trips happening until September..October...November...basically through the end of the year there will be a lot of trips coming! It's nice to be home though and chill a bit, organize, downsize, work on posting items to sell, hanging out in the she shed more and not worrying about packing a bag to go anywhere for an extended period of time. Enjoy the posts and watch for some more fun ones coming up! Nite Owl Creates - the craft blog! Mixed Media Expo - Day 1 Patriotic Tassel Banner Craft, Snacks, Birthday Bash California Patriotic Pinterest Party July Utah Pinterest party! Lifestyle Blog 2018 Birthday Deals Camp Ritchie Love Woodland Sunflowers Turning 29 Again! Disneyland Fu...

Only 13 Days Late! June Posts

Oh, you guys!! I am realizing I never did a post with links for June and now it's July. So ...without much chit chat, let's take a look at all the blogging I did in June. Hope you enjoy! Stacie's Place II Fourth of July Traditions Cents of Style Wall Fun Eddie World Stop Travel Blog 100 ft. Tower Climb Lambert's - Home of the Throwed Rolls Exploring Crystal Bridges Wilson's Creek Branson Car Show Surrey Inn Review Onyx Cave Osceola Cheese Samples

May Blogging, Oh My!

May was SUCH a fun much happened! Mostly it involved being able to be up in Utah but also it meant taking a trip to Arkansas and surrounding states, places I had never ever been before! I had a little bit of anxiety about the trip but tried to stay chill about it and in the end, worrying would not have paid off. Everything went so smoothly, couldn't have asked for a better trip! Travel Blog Murray Family Farms Wind Wolves Preserve Let's Take A Trip! Joe's Kansas City BBQ Liberty Jail Tour Q39 BBQ Nightlife in Kansas City Pioneer Crossing Park Fritz's Restaurant Crazy Bird Lady Crafts Paint with Plaid Afternoon Utah Favorite Things Pinterest Party California Favorite Things Pinterest Party Stacie's Place II Let's Go to Utah! A Saturday Well Spent Last Sunday in Utah Seven Magic Mountains 

April Was Insane!

Was April a crazy busy month for you? It sure was for me! There's a lot that happens in April! General Conference (LDS), Snap conference (for bloggers), the Let's Create Expo, my parents came to visit Utah, celebrating our 7 year anniversary and hosting a Pinterest party.  The month felt like it went very fast and I am sure it's because I had so much going on. I'm still working on blogging about everything but most of it is done. I'd say I am 95% done blogging about April which is kind of amazing to me since I took so many pictures and documented a lot of things. So! Here you go, click whatever link(s) you might be interested in reading more about. Enjoy! Nite Owl Creates Blog New Cricut Design Space Curved Text Tool  Candy Club Contest - Enter to win! Snap Blog Conference Eat Dessert First Party at Snap Snap Conference Friday 80's Party at Snap Final Day at Snap & Some Thoughts April Utah Pinterest Party May Pi...

Oh March!

March was slow and fast at the same time. Life gets like that sometimes. I truly enjoyed being able to stay home and chill a bit and just get stuff done around the house and not worrying about having to be anywhere in particular. That being said, we did take a couple trips in the month that I just had a blast on. Here are links to some relevant things that went on during the month of March!  Street Lockdown Past Couple Days  Hagen Nature Trail Hiking Pahrump Hot Air Balloon festival    Death Valley hike Amazon Shoe Credit giveaway Paint Night with Plaid California Easter Pinterest Party Small But Simple Craft Projects St Patrick's Day theme Pinterest party Arizona Weekend Fun Saturday in Mesa Snooze A.M Eatery Review Cabazon Dinosaurs

12 Days Left!

I cant believe there are only 12 short days left in this second month of the year and then on to March we...march. Haha. Pie Day, St Patricks Day, some fun road trips including another trip to Arizona I think. Here's what else I've been up to! Quail Trail Hike Valentine dinner date night at Habana Irvine Spectrum Center Fun Santa Ana Airbnb Review Dunkin Donut Breakfast Tewinkle Park Nature Walk The LAB Anti Mall Miramar Park - Redondo Beach Goldfield Mine - AZ Pinterest Party Update! LG Twin Washer  Total Eclipse of the Moon Mesa, AZ Wedding Reception Whew! Is that enough reading for you to do? Hopefully so! The posts are not terribly long but there are quite a few of them. I really packed a lot in to our weekends out of town most of the time and our trip just a couple hours from home was no exception. 

Bit By The Travel Bug

You guys, this year has been such a good time for traveling! Not just to conferences but some other places, new stuff, things we have never done or seen before and  being able to go with Tony and not having to go solo.  Here are some links to what we did last weekend and I'll do another post with the rest of the links when they go live because I have a new post rolling out every day for the next week or so. There's a ton we did in just a Friday and Saturday! Downtown Riverside Owls & Lanterns Tio's Tacos pt 1 Tio's Tacos pt 2 California Scenario Also! FYI! Disneyland prices are going up again! Click here to read all about that and lock in the 2017 price by 2/20!

Crushin' It

I'm feeling pretty pumped and excited about my goals for 2018 and for the month of February in general. My olw (one little word) for the year is to collect moments, not things. (a phrase, I know I know...) I've been posting more things to sell online the past few days and its paying off! We've had some things posted on eBay and clothing wise on those apps like Poshmark and Mercari, Offerup..Facebook Marketplace just to name a few and things have suddenly been selling. I'm so excited! I am taking 2 packages to the post office to mail today. I dont care if some thing are just a few dollars or quite a lot more than that. It just feels good to get stuff gone and patience is paying off. Other items that are not selling I'll bring to a 'naked ladies party' which is basically a clothes swapping party. Bring all clothes you dont wear or dont want anymore and they all get put in a big pile in the middle of the room for people to go through and take what they wan...

What the Hack?!

My cute nephew in Utah is 3 and instead of saying, "What the heck?" he says it, "What the hack?" So adorable, I miss him so much! "What the heck/hack?!" is a phrase I muttered to myself on Thursday night after I got out of the car and my phone crashed to the ground because I forgot it was on my lap. Right on to the cement. Oye! An unfortunate event a few weeks ago as I was at Seven Magic Mountains 30 minutes outside Las Vegas took me by surprise when I tripped on a rock in the near darkness, and I went tumbling. I managed to hang on to my phone but it still got a crack right across the bottom half of the screen in a diagonal fashion. Noooo! I have never once broken a phone screen before but all that changed in late 2017/early 2018. How am I so clumsy?! I dont even know. It was doable though, the crack didnt really show on the display and I was able to use it normally like I did pre-fall. I am in AZ, stuck with an even more broken - cracke...

Rut, Tut Tut

You guys...we are only a few days in to 2018 and I am realizing I am in a serious rut with thing. Mainly things in my blogging life? Or probably life in general as well. Staying busy and having content to blog about really isn't a problem. I think it boils down to getting organized and having the desire to make ways to stay organized. I was talking to my friend Nessa last month about an idea I had to organize my blogging.  I decided to wait on starting it since we were going to be gone out of town for 10 days and then I would not see what I had posted up. Step back a minute..I've been all about being digital, having online calendars, reminders, events, notifications but the past few weeks I've had/wanted to write thing down on lists. So I can actually take a pen and cross off tasks I accomplish. What is wrong with me? Maybe I feel like my online apps arent working for me anymore (although I still heart and use Wunderlist) but for blogging, I want to see everything for...