
Showing posts from 2024

My OLW for 2025

  If you know me well, you probably know I have a lot of things. In all the categories 😵 Clothes. Shoes. Craft supplies. Snacks. Holiday decor. You get the idea. America has so much abundance everywhere and its all so easy to access via shopping stores and the internet in particular. I am party of deal/coupon groups and can't resist sometimes! I am not saying this as an excuse, it's just how it is here in the USA for most people. Access to fun things is just so easy. Probably too easy. For those who like to collect things, those who have a passion for fashion, those who love many brands of shoes, those who can't stick with just one kind of craft and so on and so forth. I have traveled a lot in 2024 and I do want to travel in 2025 but would like to keep this one little word - Simplify - forefront in my mind, when I am home and able to downsize and declutter. Doing these things will help me simplify my life, I hope. I am aware that this is not something that will happen over...

Hoxsie House Christmas Letter 2024

This year of 2024 has been one for the books! It was filled with lots of miles being put on our cars to visit family, friends, crew at balloon festivals as well as regular visits (for Stacie) to Disneyland.  Tony went to S. Korea for a month for work at a military base there and then got asked to go back again about 6 months later, this time for 6 weeks. Stacie and her friend Alice joined him for 3 of those weeks, and you can catch up on her Facebook page of all the recaps and photos from that trip.  Other highlights include traveling to Texas for the full eclipse, visiting Stacie's brother James and his wife in Arkansas and hot air ballooning friends who moved to Missouri from California,  spending the 4th of July in Idaho, Tony's family reunion at Lava Hot Springs in August and getting to Apple Hill in September.  Stacie was able to make it to Camp Ritchie again to work on the rappelling staff,  attend 2 Pinners Conferences, Craftcation in Ventura and other c...

New Coloring Book Review!

  This coloring book titled, You Are a Child of God is for kids (or adults) of any Christian faith to enjoy.  On every page you can find ways to make meaningful connections with your kids, nieces or nephews. I love crafting,  it helps me feel calm (usually) and while coloring is not crafting exactly,  I do get to be creative with my various pens and colored pencils and I really enjoy that aspect.   Another aspect I enjoy about this coloring book are the Bible scriptures included on the pages which are great to think about or discuss during family time or one on one.  This would be a great gift to give this holiday season! 

Birthday Deals 2024!

Birthday Deals 2024! Here we go, here we go. A new edition of birthday deals that I am signed up for and I'm here to let you know which ones I redeemed. As you can see by the photo above, I redeemed tons of food ones!  Let's get started. Adidas ~ sent 15% off a purchase. I did not end up using this Albertsons ~ 2x the points on my account. I don't super care about that and I did not go out of my way to go to Albertsons in the month of July American Eagle - free $5 - I got a pack of cute cherry socks and paid the difference (about $4) Archibald's (UT) - free meal when you dine in. I did not get to UT to use this in time Azteca (WA) - free flan or churros. I was not in WA this month to use that like I was last year. Baskin Robbins - free small scoop. I redeemed this in Idaho Beansters's (CA) - free drink. I did redeem this Benihana's - I did not use this and they emailed me an extension that makes the deal good until Aug 28! But, it's good for dinner  only, Mo...

OLW - 2024 & Reflections

  Do you pick one little word to work on for the year? If so, leave a comment and let me know what you picked! Keep reading to learn about my word for 2024 as well as my thoughts on last year's word.