No Time Change?!

It's weird to be traveling and in a state (Arizona) that does not celebrate daylight savings time yet the rest (pretty much) of the US will be changing their clocks back an hour tomorrow. I remember when I lived in Arizona and was soo happy not to ever have to change my clock. It's so silly! Being in AZ during the time change happening reminds me of when I lived here. I loved living in Arizona so much! The weather, the friends, the activities, the opportunities, things to do, family, not far from Vegas or San Diego....only sad thing is that it sure was harder to get to Boise or Portland. It was a long'ish drive to Salt Lake.  Anyways, lots of fun memories from living here. Maybe I'll live here again someday, maybe?

Anyways, soon enough I will be back in California and the time will have fallen back an hour. What will I do with all that extra time?


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