New Job, New Adventure

So last week I started a brand new job after being let go from my previous job, had a couple weeks off to chillax and send out resumes. It was a nice break. In the past all my jobs have been found on Craigslist, but this job I got was actually on KSL. 

I felt like I totally bombed the interview (in a bad way) and left feeling like whatever was going to happen would happen, I did the best I could. There were 3 people in the room for the interview and that makes me even more nervous than I already am at interviews! So I was really surprised when I got a call a couple hours later saying they wanted to hire me. I was pretty shocked! 

November 4th was my first day at this company called Symbiot, but most of our customers know us by Integrated or Pipeline. Basically I do customer service for companies who need things done at their business or location. We are a "maintenance management company." For example, servicing cell phone towers if there are weeds or broken locks, sending out snow plows for jobs on the east coast, repairing pot holes at a daycare playground area, etc. These are some of the things I have done or learned about already.

The first week was training in the classroom and some shadowing. There were 2 others being trained besides me. Yesterday was my first day out on the floor at my own desk with my own Outlook email and phone. I was really nervous about how things would go but it actually went a lot better than I thought it would. Hooray! I kept finishing the work I was given and had to ask for more. Got a high five from Amber (who trained me) and words about how well I was doing from my boss Aliesha, over Skype. This made me feel pretty good. I hope the rest of the week goes just as well.

I am usually not a fan of being on the phone but figured I would give this job a shot. I prefer doing the same job every day, working on my own. In this job it's something new and different every day and I'm on a team with 6 other people. Say what?! I've never been on a team before but so far it has been good. I hope it remains a positive experience. There are all girls and just 1 guy on my team. Everyone seems nice and genuine and ready to help me with any questions, which I am so grateful for.

- health insurance after 3 months
- opportunity for bonuses
- Friday breakfasts every week
- celebrating birthdays once a month (can you tell I like food?)
- close to my house & I dont have to drive on the freeway to work anymore :)
- my hours are pretty good
- opportunity to get paid vacation

- no hats (I cry...for reals...)
- no soft pants (in the winter I'm all about the soft pants..they keep me warmer than jeans!)
- no wifi password yet :-/
- no paycheck yet. I sure am anxious for it...6 more days!

Well, looks like the pros outweigh the cons. Even being on the phone hasnt been too horrible. Fingers crossed this is a job I can keep for a long time. Kinda tired of bouncing from job to job.

Do you like starting a new job? What are some pros and cons you have experienced? Comment below and let me know - I want to hear!


Unknown said…
Congrats Stacie! That sounds great, I hope you like it and have a good new experience! I might be starting a new job in the near future and I'm super excited to learn something new. I love being challenged and am always up for the opportunity to learn a new skill! Good luck!!
RockyLauraRiley said…
I'm glad the pros outweigh the cons! You never know where a new job, the experience, and the contacts will take you.
Unknown said…
I want to know if chillax is like swinging an ax, and if so who was you swinging it at and was someone taping it for you?

Tara said…
Congrats on the job! Yeah, more pro's than con's.

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