My OLW for 2025


If you know me well, you probably know I have a lot of things. In all the categories 😵 Clothes. Shoes. Craft supplies. Snacks. Holiday decor. You get the idea.

America has so much abundance everywhere and its all so easy to access via shopping stores and the internet in particular. I am party of deal/coupon groups and can't resist sometimes! I am not saying this as an excuse, it's just how it is here in the USA for most people. Access to fun things is just so easy. Probably too easy. For those who like to collect things, those who have a passion for fashion, those who love many brands of shoes, those who can't stick with just one kind of craft and so on and so forth.

I have traveled a lot in 2024 and I do want to travel in 2025 but would like to keep this one little word - Simplify - forefront in my mind, when I am home and able to downsize and declutter. Doing these things will help me simplify my life, I hope.

I am aware that this is not something that will happen overnight and will take me all year to work on. What can I say, I get distracted easily 😜 I have worked on decluttering and downsizing some in 2024. I went through my church clothes, jackets, started going through holiday decor in the she shed and also looking closely at items in the pantry. I think I made a good start and can't wait to continue in 2025.

I plan to have some yard sales, continue trying to sell items on Mercari & Poshmark as well as Facebook Marketplace. I really need to figure out a plan on how much longer to hold on to items before I finally just donate them back to the thrift stores they came from (mostly). 

The pantry needs some organization maybe and getting rid of slightly expired items. I will have to check Pinterest for some ideas on organizing or feel free to leave your links in a comment for inspiration. The office needs decluttering as well as my she shed and bedroom. 

In years past, my olw has included many areas of my life ~ social, work, church, etc. But in the upcoming year of 2025 I feel like this word is more focused on my life when I am at my house. Maybe I will discover other areas of my life to simplify but for now, at this time, my focus is on all the items I have accumulated over the years and trying to make a dent in the piles. In the tubs. But I want to make more than a dent. I want to get rid of items so I have space for new ones (hobbies/crafts) or nicer items. Or just have empty tubs and spaces to look at. Here's an example: Selling 10 pairs of shoes to use the money to get 1 pair of nicer shoes. (Ok, there's no way ever I would only own a few pairs of shoes but I know there can be improvements). 

Anyways, it will be interesting to see how this goes. I am very sentimental to my possessions, I like having stuff but I am growing tired of it controlling (?) my life.

Let me know in a comment if you picked one little word for 2025 and what it is!


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