June Comings & Goings

June has been quite the month! It started out with me taking the 2 dogs I was watching on a 10 hour road trip to my house in California. That was quite the stressful adventure but we made it all in one piece. The very next day started early for setting up the decorations for Safe Grad night for the high school seniors in the town and surrounding areas on the naval base. We were told 2-3 hours to decorate but we got there at 7am and didn't leave until noon. It got hot fast but in the end it look a-okay. We stopped by around midnight to move some of the decorations and see everything all lit up.

Saturday we had our set up at the community yard sale at the fairgrounds. We focused on clothing and a few household items this time around. Saving craft supplies maybe for next time. I think we made about $30 but it was a lot slower than the sale we participated in a few months ago. I am guessing because of graduation but who knows.

Back to church in our ward on Sunday. Tony has had to go without me for awhile so it was nice to attend together. Nobody much really talked to me though and I kept to myself because I like it better that way (usually). It was uneventful but okay.

We worked on painting the she shed and that was quite fun. Just kidding. It was very hot but we finally managed to get a majority of it done and it was super nice of Tony to help with it all. It was awesome to have clean, dry walls to start pushing things up against and getting more organized. I need to figure out how I want to store all my craft supplies....would love love a Scrap Box but have plastic drawers and 2 bookshelves for now.

The week went fast and before I knew it, it was Friday and time to drive back to Salt Lake with the dogs. The dogs did alright at our place but I am glad not to have them underfoot anymore. They only threw up on the carpet once but still. This whole experience of watching dogs for 7 weeks has definitely made up my mind that I am too busy for a dog at this time in my life.  Maybe if it was a dog we could take camping but still...I already have to deal with finding people to watch my birds when Tony & I are out of town together ( I miss my sister being able to do it!! ) so adding dogs to the mix...just no...not right now. 

I utilized my time as best I could when I was back in Utah since this time around it was going to be just a couple weeks and not a whole month +.  I think I did okay! I went to my workout class every Monday and Wednesday, went to Venture Night Out with my nephews, hung out with my brother Matt, participated in Adventure Week which included taking a class about night photography, went to the Parade of Home with a couple different friends, ate a free meal for the pre-grand opening of Core Life Eatery, had dinner with one of my favorite former coworkers, got my ring cleaned at Shane Co, got an oil change for my car and picked up my free paint from Sherwin Williams among many other things. 

The weather was pretty awesome until it wasn't (of course, the day I needed to pack up and leave) and I was just dying from how hot it was (90's) but thanks to Tony's uncle for a bit of help, I got on the road around 2pm and stayed in Logandale, NV for the night with a friend. Made it to Ridgecrest the next day but not before stopping at Seven Magic Mountains!

I had less than 48 hours at home - thank goodness because it was crazy hot in our house - 90* - eek - so I was more than happy to leave town again , this time with Tony as we ventured back to Utah for a hot air balloon festival in Panguitch


Looks like you had quite a busy month! Happy to see you had a great time. Always a delight reading about your adventures and experiences.

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