It's Officially Official!

I guess somewhat stupidly, I posted details about something super big coming up in my life on Facebook instead of writing a cliffhanger status and directing everyone here to my blog. Oh well! Lesson learned I guess!

If you did not read it on Facebook already, Tony accepted a job offer in China Lake, CA and will start work at the naval base located there as a Computer Network Defense Specialist. We found out Tuesday morning that he had passed the security clearance/background check and they need him to start July 18th.  Eek! He has a little less than a month left in Utah with me. Time to amp up the packing and get more serious about how we are going to make this happen.

I wish so badly the job was moving us, but it's not. We were thinking to move everything that has been packed to a storage unit so that we can move around a bit more easier and continue packing. I have a baby shower to host and a Pinterest party and I'd rather have a downstairs not filled with boxes when people come over. Part of the problem is that we need his truck and he ordered a part he needed but was sent the wrong one. Hopefully we can get it fixed in the next week or so so we can get these boxes moved out.

I'll join Tony in CA (Ridgecrest to be specific) once he finds us a place to live. We have been looking not super seriously on Zillow the past few months but now we can look seriously. There are 2 houses we really like a lot so we will see what ends up happening. They'd have to be available still when he gets to CA mid-July so he can check them out. Any advice on getting a house? Feel free to send it our way. There is a chance we might just rent something but we'll see what direction the house idea goes.

So there you have it. After 5 years in Utah, I'm heading back to the state I was born in. Granted I grew up in northern CA which is so very different than southern CA but still. Maybe I should get my "CA CHICK" personalized license plate back! Questions? Comments? Concerns? Me too. I have lots. Shoot whatever you want to send me over though and I'll do my best to answer any questions!


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