Working On My Ideas

I tweeted today that working a full time job stifles my creativity. It's computer work and any idea I have for the company or ways to do things, usually get shot down. Kinda sucks but that's how it is right now. Sometimes at work I am brainstorming things I want to do in my life to do with my blog or social media in general. 

  • I came up with a super super awesome idea of how I want to run my "staciesplace" Snapchat with a format and everything. Right now I am compiling at least a month's worth of content so I can be prepared. I'll be snapping every M, W, F evening I think or roughly around that time. It will revolve around things I blog about so stay tuned for an announcement about that. I'm so excited about it!
  • Finish up my social media resume so I can start actually really applying for jobs. So far I am not in a position to change jobs quite yet but when we move I want to find something. I also have not seen a whole lot I've wanted to apply for or if I do, it's not quite a good fit because I'm not proficient in Photoshop or something. Bummer.
  • Get more involved in the affiliate programs I am signed up with. Cricut, Shotbox, The Color Run among others.
  •  Along with affiliate programs, just do a much better job of blogging in general. I've been able to amp it up a bit since school has ended and have been surprised with some fantastic results. Woot!
  • I'd love to learn more about being a virtual assistant. I feel like life is kind of hold right now while we dejunk and pack for the upcoming move. Luckily I have the Wunderlist app which is awesome and I'm making lots of lists in there. One is for things I want to learn or start doing once everything settles down a bit. I kind of hate that I have to wait that long but I most likely won't start another job right away and when I do, maybe it will be part time so I can learn more about things I'm interested in.
So, that's about it! Right now just working and planning and waiting for the right time to execute everything!

What are you working on right now?


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