Getting Real with the Blogging Life

I went to a great dinner at Blue Iguana tonight in SLC that Blogging Concentrated put together. It was fun to meet and see lots of bloggers from many places. A group from the midwest, Boise and here in Utah too! I was exchanging information with a couple ladies at my end of the table and one came to check out this blog and said, your last post was January 30th and I was like yea...I haven't been great about blogging lately. In my head I thought, what's the big deal? January 30th wasn't that long ago, was it? Then I realized today is the 18th of the month - of February!  Honestly I haven't given this blog the love or attention it deserves. To be even more honest, I haven't done hardly any blog posts since the end of last year. I need to blog about girls camp, Tony's family reunion, Thanksgiving, Christmas, CES, CHA and so much more! Some bloggers just pick up where they left off, others say forget it, I'm starting fresh and not worrying about pictures I haven't blogged. I want to catch up and I will backdate the posts to keep them in order when I print out my blog but I'll be sure to link you all here so you don't miss a post you might want to read!  My new friend also said she could not see the side bar of my links to my other blogs on the mobile version of my blog. I dont know what to think about that. I kind of mind...I mean, I want people to check out the other places I blog! I had no idea, never thought to check, so that's something I hope to fix.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, I'm headed south to sun, warm and hot air balloons! 

By the way, here are links to the 2 ladies I got to meet tonight and chat with a bit as well as more information on Blogging Concentrated!


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