My Laptop Lives Again!

Tony and I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary last weekend by going to southern CA to do some fun things such as Medival Times dinner, Universal Studios and the beach. We stayed the night in Vegas and my Macbook started making a crunchy sound. Tony told me to shut it down and don't turn it on the for the rest of the weekend because my hard drive was crashing. Scary and sad! Luckily we were able to save everything plus most everything was backed up. Friday morning when we woke up, my iPod touch restarted for no reason and did not want to get off the reboot screen no matter how much we tried. There went my camera for the weekend, or so I thought. Once we arrived in L.A. , Tony, who is not a fan of Apple at all, esp iTunes, installed iTunes on his laptop and set to work to fix my iPod. I had already gotten on Craigslist to see about buying another one but by the time we went to Universal Studios on Saturday, he had the iPod up and working again! So amazing he was able to fix it at all. I seriously thought it was toast.

It took a bit longer for my laptop to be fixed but the new hard drive arrived on Saturday & Tony was able to install it as well as the new OS (which is so different from what I had before!) and I have lots more room to hold all my pictures and files now. Okay, a majority of what is on my laptop is pictures. It will be nice to get organized and back to blogging again. I can blog on the other computer but have to email pictures to myself, 5 at a time, so it can be cumbersome.

I had a fantastic weekend with Tony & we have 1 more week together before his internship starts and things get cray cray. These will be blog posts coming soon if they have not been written and scheduled already.

Friday night we went to our ward YW dinner and girls camp fundraiser - dessert auction.

Then we headed to SLCC for the Bruin Bash, one of my favorite fun things to do in Utah.

Saturday we slept in and lazed about until we headed down to Payson for a tour of the new LDS temple. Then we went to Orem for lunch.

Got back late in the afternoon and I did some cleaning, tv watching, iPod playing,etc until I saw a post on Facebook that a swarm of bees was up for grabs.

I can't wait to blog about this - we went to catch our first swarm of bees and we both got stung in the process. It was super scary but we managed okay.

Sunday was church, I feel like I haven't been in forever. It was nice to have not much else planned for the rest of the day except to spend time together and go check on the bees.

Tomorrow we are hoping to go to the Tulip Festival in the evening at Thanksgiving Point.

My sister is in Peru and will hopefully catch all her flight so she should be back Monday night as well.

Sandra is back at work after a week long vacation in CA and my coworker Tiffany and I could not be more relieved. 

School starts on Wednesday so that will be interesting! 2 new classes and most likely rooms full of students I don't know + a new schedule to get used to.

How about you? What fun things are going on in your life? Leave me a comment and let me know!


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