Learn - Create - Connect - Pinterest Conference!

I heart Pinterest. It's one of my favorite websites that I can never spend long enough on. I have been known to stay up until unmentionable hours of the night...er..morning, just browsing and planning. If you follow my blogs, you know I host Pinterest parties so I can actually make some of the things I pin on Pinterest with friends. It's fantastic!

Last year was the first Pinners Conference here in Utah and it is basically just down the street from where I live so that made it perfect to attend both days, which I did. Now the second conference is here and I am beyond excited to go again!

I tried to find my blog post from the conference last year but sadly, it seems like I never did a blog post. I do remember taking some pictures but there was SO much to see and do, shopping and classes to attend that it was all I could do to soak it all in. I imagine this year will be even better and I wouldn't miss it if I were you! 

Clear your calendars for November 7th & 8th!

Learn about the classes as well as the speakers/presenters by clicking here 
You can go to classes about fashion & beauty, lifestyle & learning, DYI & crafts, cooking, home decor, party planning, photography, sewing, health & fitness.... omgosh, can you tell how ExCiTeD I am?!

Order your tickets by clicking here and put in the code staciesplace for your discount!

Tickets are as low as $10 for 1 day which includes 2 classes.
If you just want to come shop, that is free! But let me tell you, the classes are so worth it. 100 classes, 2 days...not enough time! Oye!

What classes are you looking forward to going to?


Unknown said…
Cannot.Freaking.Wait!! :)

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