NaBloPoMo Day 20

I honestly can't believe it's the 20th of the month already. In just a few days we'll be driving to Idaho for Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping. I cant wait! The drive will most likely be a bummer but hopefully we will have enough audiobooks and snacks and energy drinks. I so wish my sister in SLC was coming but she has to work on Black Friday and it doesnt look like they will make it. Checking on the weather and it looks like some places might have snow. Ugh. EVERY time we buy chains cords, and put them in my car, they break. And they do damage to my tires, or have in the past. I dread them. We put them on correctly so I'm really not sure what happens. We don't drive too fast. I wish my car would take chains maybe...those seem better. 

Time to start packing and getting stuff done and gathered together to take to Idaho. On the list...

1. Find all my warm/winter clothes + boots
2. Figure out a way to get a table I bought in UT, to ID so I can bring it back to CA. Oh so tricky.
3. Finish a project for my dad that is for my mom for Christmas.
4. Get the she-shed walls painted ( I hope hope! )
5. Gather all the random clothes I'm trying to sell and bring them to ID in hopes I can sell them there. 

I have a busy few days ahead of me!


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